Explore Aryana's Work

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"First jump in the river, then think"

Visionary ART

Igniting the Soul

Since 2012 Aryana has been making Soul Portraits. Individual paintings that reflect inner light, essence of a person, serving as an outer gate to dive deep inside oneself. She has always been channeling visions for these artworks but didn’t dare to let the channeling come through words and her own voice until in 2020 she found herself in a lockdown in a small Italian olive groove. It was a turning point where she realized that she cannot go anywhere outside in search of a guidance.
It was a breakthrough moment for Aryana because she finally dared to fully step into her gift and talk to the Masters, discover who they are, their teachings and open to their healing compassionate presence.
Through this collaboration she has developed new offerings and processes to share with the world – that turn to be a mysterious, powerful and colorful blend of guided meditations, transmissions through words and artworks. It is a deepening and expansion of the Soul Portrait work that she has been already doing.

Channeled readings with Shambala Soul Guides
  • A loving uplifting presence
  • A flow of healing compassionate energy that you receive together with the words
  • Help with any kind of life situations, personal struggles, existential matters
  • Shedding light at the areas in your life that you don’t see clearly
  • Giving you a different point of view that helps you to come out of habitual patterns
  • Information and advice from the perspective of spiritual growth
  • Clarity on different choices that are possible and different roads in front of you
  • Unpredictable revelations
  • Magic
Описание изображения
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Individual Sessions

A unique blend of channeling, guided meditations and artworks

  • Done one to one with Aryana
  • Each process consists of a series of 6individual sessions\transmissions, includes 2 recorded guided meditations and an artwork that Aryana creates for you during the process.
  • Artwork uplifts you in a vertical dimension and supports you to tune your life with your soul in major standing points.
  • An artwork anchors you in a new vision, serves as a reminder of what you discover and as an energetic support to continue implementing it in your life.
  • All processes were lovingly cocreated by Aryana and the Family of the Golden Heart whose wisdom she transmits.

Are you really who you think you are?
· Artwork that reflects your Soul – “Looking outside at the painting, you enter inside yourself”
· Recognizing and owning your power, dignity and gifts
· Coming back home to the Source, to your Essence
· Arriving at the center out of which you can create and manifest

Where are you going? What is your direction?
· Discover your most direct Path fully tuned with your soul that helps you open your full potential
· Artwork that reflects your Soul Path, milestones on the Way
· Realizing what are your gifts and how to put them together into a profession or activity that serves higher purpose and is in tune with your unique path
· Realizing what you want to create on your Path and what wants to be created through you and taking responsibility for your creations
· Helps with finding professional realization

What you are longing for is longing for you
· Distinguishing your authentic desires and desires conditioned by society
· Investigating desires born out of trauma as a compensation of the wound, as a strategy to avoid the pain, discovering the true longing underneath, healing
· Realizing one’s dreams, the seed of true longing there and how they paralyze you from taking action
· Discovering your Star Desire that tunes your direction
· Letting go into the vertical uplifting power of Star Desire
· An artwork that depicts your Star Desire

Growing together in love is a sacred gift
For Couples
· a support in existing relationship to see and tune into the higher potential of your couple
· to see what each one of you brings into the relation
· realizing gifts of your meeting
· seeing challenges as gifts
· uplifting challenges of the meeting through understanding, awareness and love
· realizing each one’s contribution into the union
· deepening intimacy and friendliness between partners
· creating a solid intention to walk a path of growing together (if you wish)
· The artwork depicts the highest potential of the union, the gifts of the meeting and contribution of each partner into it.

For Singles
· support in finding and creating a loving relationship based on higher values  
· clarifying your values and a longing for being together
· letting go of repetitive stories in your life
· letting go of limiting believes
· healing dignity
· embracing the power of decision
· owning your power to act and manifest what you desire
· A painting transmits an uplifting energy of manifesting the intention
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