• Italy

Do you ask yourself: "Who am I?"

Clean your eyes to see bright and clear.
Purify your heart to perceive without distortion.
Let go off excessive thinking so that you can hear the birds chirping.
Purify and understand your emotions to perceive clearly.

Soul Portrait is a mystical painting for a meditative contemplation and insight. It reflects your higher self in a symbolically-poetic form.

Contemplating shapes and lines on the artwork helps to come back home and to unravel one’s inner light. Looking outside at the picture, a person penetrates inside himself. Naturally human sight is directed outwards; eyes collect information about the outside world. So here we use the sense of looking to enter inside.
All the elements blend together in unique harmony in order to point at the center, into the essence.
Contemplation of the painting is a method of connecting with one’s soul, bringing back its lost pieces and realizing one’s inseparability from the whole through unique combination of qualities that one possesses.
The artwork supports the beholder in sinking into an altered state of consciousness. In transmissions you are guided into a meditative way of looking, into opening your sensitivity as well as clarifying your intention. A sincere longing and trust to the method activate its full potential. A painting reveals its mysteries to the beholder.

The process comprises:


  • 5 individual sessions-transmissions from Master Kuthumi and the Family of the Golden Heart
  • Recorded guided meditations and individual recommendations to follow in-between sessions
  • An artwork “Soul Portrait” made by Aryana Meer, vision channeled from the Family of the Golden Heart
  • Artwork is created without your physical presence; the vision is channeled during one of the sessions
  • Sessions are done online or in person.
  • Artwork can be sent to you by mail
  • You investigate yourself deeply under the guidance of Masters while painting is being made.
  • It is a joint process where the result is influenced by your active position and clear and strong intention.


  • Artwork that reflects your Soul – “Looking outside at the painting, you enter inside yourself”.
  • Recognizing and owning your power, dignity and gifts
  • Coming back home to the Source, to your Essence
  • Arriving at the center out of which you can create and manifest
  • Awakening Inner Flame
  • Self-enquiry: Who is standing behind it all and observing?
  • Developing sensitivity and receptivity
  • Activating the Portal
  • Opening the eyes of the Heart
  • Looking softly without prejudices, dropping preconceived ideas
  • Absorbing the Mystery

For those whose hearts hear the Call…

For those who desire to awaken to the truth of
who they are and what reality is

What is this process about?

In the individual work of the course we doubt root beliefs and programs and look in great detail at the intrinsic qualities of one’s soul. The qualities that are essential for one’s evolution, developing which one can get in tune with his or her unique path of the soul that is imprinted in its subtle strings.
We look who is the one creating and out of which place inside I create my life and walk my path.
Finding your center which is the soul and so we tune into the divine, into the Source, realizing our own light and the great mystery.
Artwork made for you through a channel of the Masters of the Golden Heart gives you a glimpse of merging with your soul. A precious glimpse that you can expand and deepen further.

Great! I want it! How do I book?

Write me a request. I will send you all the details to proceed.

Most of you have lost the memory of who you are and where you came from. You think that you know yourselves, identifying with numerous layers of programming. You believe that you are the labels that society and family hung on you, think that you know yourselves looking at your reflection in the mirror day after day mechanically doing morning routines, mechanically repeating the same actions, habits, programs, words, sincerely assuming that they are unique and authentic.
You live but what kind of life is it? Life in the slavery of your own mind, your fears, limitations and conditionings. You are identified with what you are not, suffer from it, and don’t see reality the way it is.


Soul Portraits and their owners. Portraits made by Aryana Meer

Processing video...

Soul Portrait, Spirit portrait, spiritual posrtrait, psychic art by Alina Tiumeneva, Pushpa Prem, tantra, blossoming of the womb, yoni, transformation, connection with  divine

Irina Letova (Aditya), Moscow

"Unique creation. Alive being. Thanks to Aryana this beautiful painting has appeared in my life. Once I found out about her work, I immediately wanted to have a painting done for me. But I was not sure what exactly I wanted to see on it. We met with Aryana, she meditated and told me: “Don’t worry. I see you. I see your soul. I see your connection with Divine. And everything will be fine”. My connection with God was exactly the theme I wanted. Since that moment I relaxed and waited for the birth. While it was made, I kept on thinking about it every day, wondering how it will look and if it will fit with my perception, will it inspire me, which emotions would it evoke in me. What was born has trespassed all my most wonderful expectations. I could not even imagine that the painting will fit me so so well. It is perfect in my perception. Every piece of, every centimetre that there is on it – it is all me. And it truly reflects me. How Alina managed to see all this, I have no idea but I guess that’s why is called spiritual painting and it is a true creativity. I can firmly surely say from my own experience that is a “high” art.The colour is perfect as well. I am amazed with the miracle of combining all my favourite colours into one canvas. All shades of purple, pink and violet are my most favourite colors and of course butterflies that reflect my soul and all the other details I could say a lot about. It was also immensely touching how Aryana has given me this piece of art. She has written amazing poem with it. When i was reading it, tears were falling by themselves. It was hard to believe that it was about me and that Alina could feel me in such a subtle way. I keep the painting in the very heart of my house and I can see it from almost every part of it. The moment someone enters the house, he sees the painting immediately. And so the location says everything. It is really a meaningful creature, alive creature that enriches the atmosphere, gives a tone. Everyone who visits me, notices it".
Soul Portrait, Spirit portrait, spiritual posrtrait, psychic art by Alina Tiumeneva, Pushpa Prem, tantra, blossoming of the womb, yoni, transformation, connection with  divine

Evgeniy Zinger, Moscow, Russia

"It was very easy and spontaneous to order the portrait. I had a very clear response inside – I want it and that’s it! Usually I always take long time before I spend money and evaluate the product carefully. I was waiting intensely to receive the portrait. I even saw it in my dreams. And I’m very contented. It is so incredible. As if it is me and not me at the same time. It is difficult to put into words. When I look at the portrait, it awakens a lot of feelings in me. A lot of joy and sadness, recognition, surprise, happiness. I really see a part of me on the painting, I’m acquainted with it but I’m not always in contact with it, I don’t always recognize it inside. I’m surprised that I can suddenly see it so clearly. To see myself so clearly. A surprise of what I can be. I was amazed how soft, flowing and natural shapes are combined with geometrical forms. It gives a feeling of “rightness” when they are altogether. What is really amazing is that my favourite colours are used in the painting. I like a lot all shade of blue and violet. I think it’s very precious when a man through a soul portrait like this (at least in my experience) has an opportunity to look at himself from the side and to see himself authentic, to see that he is already perfect and divine. A true window into your inner world, a mirror that allows you to appear as you are. I’m very grateful to Alina for such a wonderful work, magical, unexpected, as magical as she is herself. It is by itself very joyful to meet such a happy and radiant person. I highly recommend it!Soul Portrait is not only a painting that you get, but the very process of creating it, the very waiting and feeling that the painting is being created, starts a certain process of looking inside, discovering new. Receiving the portrait then and meditating on it, is like getting a diploma when graduating from university, like a certificate that proves that you have passed a special intensive of exploring yourself . And it is so valuable.I really feel its authenticity. It brings me closer to myself. It makes me more true and alive. And I think other people can benefit from it just as I did".
Soul Portrait, Spirit portrait, spiritual posrtrait, psychic art by Alina Tiumeneva, Pushpa Prem, tantra, blossoming of the womb, yoni, transformation, connection with  divine

Ekaterina Nosova, Moscow, Russia

"This soul portrait is the state that I am heading for and where I want to get. What is very important for me is that it reflects my essence. I ordered a painting from Aryana, after I saw her artworks. It seemed to me that she indeed is capable of going into the depth that transmits this state. For me this birth was also very important. It is like a manifested child – mine, ours that got a right to be alive and is now with me, supports me. Now my state is different from what is depicted on the painting but I have a certain image that I would like to reach and this painting doesn’t let me forget about this image and about my goal. This painting is a landmark on my path. I wish Aryana prosperity and immersion on deeper and deeper layers from where she makes her art and more power of their realisation. Because these paintings are very powerful". 

Soul Portrait, Spirit portrait, spiritual posrtrait, psychic art by Alina Tiumeneva, Pushpa Prem, tantra, blossoming of the womb, yoni, transformation, connection with  divine

Iiro Kontio, Finland

It was a very interesting way to look inside myself. It had many stages that started with a meditation when I find inside my heart what I want from the painting. It was a discovery in itself. When I was invited to open my eyes and look at the portrait I was quite fearful as I didn’t know what to expect. Then I could really open myself up to receive everything that is inside this painting. I felt immediate connection with it. It looks like me and it includes all the things that I actually need now. It fullfills something inside me and heals me. I spent some time with the painting, gazing at it and it felt really good. I really feel that the painting gave something to me. And it was really beautiful. I’m really happy. I like the art and myself in it.
Dear one, you are paying for your Soul Portrait which is an intimate process. However, the image that you receive can as well resonate with many other people. It is like you are shinning your essence into the world and the world recognizes your beauty and its own beauty in the mirror of you. The same concerns all other artworks – Soul Purpose, Soul Desire, Togetherness, etc.
I find that it is really good to share some of the images with other people. When you order a portrait for yourself, I keep the right to have an image as my property which means I can use it to make prints, cards, use it as illustrations. So you buy a painting but you don’t have the copyright, so you cannot reproduce the image for sale or your personal use (business cards, flyers, posters, etc) without asking permission and paying some symbolic fee for each use (to negotiate) and tagging me as a creator of the image.
If you want to have a full property of the artwork you buy, it is possible but it is a different price that we can discuss individually.
These artworks are the result of a lot of inner and outer work. It is also the source that helps me to support myself economically. I am grateful for you sharing my art on social media but please mention my name and my contacts as well. The images are not free so I would be grateful if you ask my permission to use them. If you have particular projects, flyers, visit cards, please reach out to me and I am happy to discuss the price for using my images with you.
In gratitude for your understanding and respect,